Vellya Suke (Anchovies Saute)

2 cups small vellyo (anchovies)
1/2 tsp turmeric
1/2 tsp red chili powder
1 tsp salt
1 finely chopped onion
1 tsp garlic finely chopped
1 sliced green chili 
1/2 cup grated coconut
4 kokum peels

Gut the vellyo, take the head off.
Apply salt, turmeric & red chili powder and keep aside.

Put oil in vessel and heat.
Add onion, garlic & chili and sauté for a min.
Add in vellyo, coconut, 3/4 cup water, kokum peels
Close and cook on medium heat till vellyo are cooked
Open and cook on high heat till it thickens up to required consistency 

The Daily Delight packet found in the Indian grocery stores works very well. 
Make sure to thaw the vellyo in water for atleast 15 mins 
Wash well by changing water couple of times to get rid of the preservatives


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